Prof. univ. Dr. habil.
Robert Deutsch

More About


Prof. Univ. Dr. habil. Robert Deutsch
Born - Timisoara, Romania, Nov.20, 1934
Survivor of the Holocaust
Self-made millionaire
Married, one child.

Deutsch, Deutch, Teller, Dent, Berg and descendants, living in the US, Germany, Romania, Belgium and Denmark.

Last academic affiliation - 2000 - Hoover Institution, Stanford University

Lived in:
• Timisoara, Romania
• Bucharest, Romania
• Kazan, Russia
• Cologne, Germany
• Heidelberg, Germany
• Valetta, Malta
• Tijuana, Mexico
• Stanford University Campus, CA, US
• Palo Alto, California, US

Career - Academic affiliations

Professor, Visiting Professor, Fellow, Visiting Scholar

• University of Craiova, Romania
• University of Bucharest, Romania
• University of Cologne, Germany
• University of Heidelberg, Germany
• University of Geneva, Switzerland
• University of Baja California, Mexico
• Stanford University, Hoover institution, California, US

More about

Founder, Chairman, President (past and present)

• Institut für Telekommunikation, Germany
• Bechtel-Steiner Construct, Ireland
• Academical Association for Social and Economical Research
• Kiseleff Capital Management, Hungary
• Romdata, Romania
• Softnet, Romania
• Kiseleff Capital Investment, Romania
• Kiseleff Capital International, Romania
• Geothermal Energy Invest, Romania
• Romanian Golf Federation, Romania
• Lac de Verde Golf, Romania

Academic activity

The academic activity of Prof. Dr. habil. Robert Deutsch has been influenced by his colllaborations and friendship with Pierre Bourdieu and Jaques Le Goeff (France), Theodor Schieder and Werner Conze (Germany) as well as Prof. Irma Adelman (Berkeley), Gary Becker (Chicago, Hoover), Tibor Scitovski (Berkeley, Stanford), Amos Twerski (Stanford), David Landes (Harvard), et al.

His published works present a multi-disciplinary approach to historical and economic problems through the wide use of quantitative analysis, of psycho- linguistic and behavioral psychology.

View published works

In his book “Conventia de la Montreux, 1936” (Romania, 1967), on the subject of regulating the passage through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits, Robert Deutsch was the first to prove that the viability of a convention or treaty is related to the weight of regulations that derive from compromises that are based on the prognosis of the future of the contracting parties.
In his work,“The Food Revolution in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union” (Westview Press, 1987) - nominated for a Pulitzer Prize - he managed to prove, for the first time in scientific literature, that the collapse of the socialist system will occur due to the discontent of educated population whose increasing consumer needs cannot be satisfied by communist regimes.
Between 1970 and 1980, Robert Deutsch has published a series of historiography works. The more notable are the one on psychohistory (published in Switzerland) and the one about the French school Annales (published in Germany), from the perspective of intellectual competition between Paris and the French countryside. In his essay “Cross-cultural History of International Relations” (Stanford,1986), driven by intellectual inquisitiveness, Robert Deutsch has attempted to quantify curiosity using a database of the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation) with millions of translations done by 47 countries over a period of over 100 years, categorized using the universal decimal classification of libraries. The conclusion of this essay is that the role of curiosity and imitation in the advent of civilisation follows the model of the ebb and flow of tides, differing from the previous models proposed by Vasile Conta or Oswald Spengler.
Since the year 2000, Robert Deutsch has retired from academic activity while still providing financial support to Stanford, Hoover Institution and the Deutsch Foundation in the US.
He is the founder and Honorary President of the Romanian Golf Federation and the former owner of the Lac de Verde Golf Club from Breaza, Romania.

Friends and influences


Political advisory

activities for:

Helmut Kohl


Ronald Reagan


George Bush Sr.


Ion Iliescu


Business consultancy


John Nicholson Ice (USA)

Baer AG (Switzerland)

Calistoga (USA)


Hess Winery (USA)

Perrier (France)

Valser AG (Switzerland)


Siemens (Germany)

ThiessenKrupp (Germany)

LG (South Korea)



rdeutsch7 [at]

rdeutschrd7 [at]